redefining the ” R ” word

[previously posted on 3:59 pm – 10.27.2008]

Monday, October 27, 2008

redefining the ” R ” word
Current mood: amused
News and Politics

is a social movement that aims to make gradual change,
or change in certain aspects of society rather than rapid or fundamental changes.

Redistribution of wealth
Some methods for this are: welfare, nationalization, slavery, taxation, socialism, inflation, devaluation, government policies


being of Architecturally sound mind…

Do we really need a phone in the master bathroom?

DO we really need Hummer/Humvee to be in 24 crayola colors?

Is it really necessary to have 10 automotive manufactures producing
the same body/chasis. Placing the the du jour Label of the day
on each.

Can we really manage, managing with out all the debt management companies,
you know the ones that are now in the multi-layered, multi-dollar producing
companies, that flurish while thier clients are linding the walls of their
local district bankruptcy offices.

Is it really a need, for all of us to be able to watch tv, use the phone
and listen to music all on one micro device, that is so small, that other
companies are make items for this micro item the set in so that there
features on the micro item can be enlarged.

I can go on, or is these enough examples to inform you that the state
of the global economic down turn is “our fault”, not the current
administration, nor is it the fault of the new administration.

it is us, the consumer,

who are willing to buy into the big picture, instead of enjoying
one small picture at a time.

Soap Dish…..a bunch of suds and duds

I took time away from the constant media coverage of both Senator McCain and Senator Obama. I found my days a little less busy, alittle more quite time for catching up on none politically driven friendships and some laid back time with new friends. I found I didn’t miss much, the elections coverage seem to be where I left it, on every channel except the animal planet, which I think campaign ad would have tried been placed, if they could just figure out the right angle.

Could the nation be ready for political ad placement on none news generating outlets like, the Animal Planet, what would they prose Senator McCain would rally against, support for our big city zoos?, Would Senator Obama have to wage a stance on over spending of tax dollars on color coded coating for the wire fencing around the donkey (blue) and elephant (red) exhibits,because the red dy no. 3, 27 & 28 are known to be toxic to children, I think it is just beagles for no.27, but you may look it up, as don’t claim to know everything, which allows room in the corner of my mind to learning about new toxicities in our ever changing world.

Is it safe say that I didn’t miss much, the VeeP Debate went as planned, no big surprises, except for Gov. Palin was demoted by Senator Biden, but I think he was the only one who realized that calling her a Senator offered her more experience, therefore the he, along with the hand feed press let that one go.

Oh and the Latest Presidential debate looked more like a Rowan and Martin spin-off, with Senator McCain goofing by Tom Brokaw… I thought that was funny. It just another day in “Payton Place”, another hour of the “Days of our lives”, and another nation under god’s heaven, who’s Livin’ a Vida Loca, while taking another glance of as “The World Turns”

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