clichés are all…

clichés are all over the net • words in many formations saying the same thing • just look me in the eye.., I’ll know everything I need to know …


Silent witness

… Your not doing your friend any good by letting them off the hook

Using catch phases that gloss over the reality that takes place day to day, some days less than others.

Hardest step a friend can take is the one to walk away, even though you know the person you care about is living with a human-time-b o m b.

You never know what going to set them off. All you can do is hope the person dealing with such a relationship ( bf, gf, family member etc) , will ask for help.

Imo –
If you witness someone being mean, please defuse it.

Remember being mean isn’t human.

Displaying bully-like behavior is not a mistake, it’s a way some people live.

[- finnperkins . 05.05.2014